June 5, 2012

Prometheus Review

This movie goes back in time before the other Alien movies.
The exploding ship is a metaphor for this movie.
Ridley Scott should of went back in time to stop this movie from ever being made.

May 25, 2012

Men in Black III Review

It's three times as bad as the other ones.

Seriously I tell you everything you need to know about this turd:

Closest homosexual Will Smith has to save walking corpse Tommy Lee Jones (Al Gore's roommate) from being killed.  He enlists past Tommy Lee Jones who is Big Chinned Brolin to help him.  Rip Torn is insane so they replaced him with a lesbian.

May 18, 2012

Battleship Review

They made a movie based off a board game
They made a movie based off a board game
Don't worry though, Rihanna is in it.

May 5, 2012

Avengers Review

They're trying to took away from
their awful movie

The Bad
It started.

The Good
It ended.

April 19, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods Review

Rather suck a dick then watch this.
You want to know  the mystery of the Cabin in the Woods?

It blows rhino cock

April 12, 2012

American Reunion Review

How is Jason Biggs still alive?
Remember that reunion where you saw a bunch of unfunny people who you didn't care about?

Want to watch a two hour movie about them?

March 31, 2012

Mirror Mirror Review

One Bad Movie.  Thats more like it
Mirror, Mirror on the wall.
Which movie sucks the most of all?

This one.